Home press-release SpringClean Laundry owner to open what he thinks will be the third-largest Laundromat in the country

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SpringClean Laundry owner to open what he thinks will be the third-largest Laundromat in the country

SpringClean Laundry owner to open what he thinks will be the third-largest Laundromat in the country

Published in the Wichita Eagle 2/2/2012

By Carrie Rengers

WICHITA — Perry Duncan is, perhaps arguably, the Laundry King of Kansas.

He’s owned many himself, built plenty of them for others and now is working on what he says likely will be the third-largest Laundromat in the country.

Duncan owns SpringClean Laundry, which in 2009 he told Have You Heard? he wanted to develop into a chain of large, upscale laundries – with large dryers, flat-screen TVs and carpeting.

His newest SpringClean will be in the former Spear’s Restaurant and Pie Shop space at 1930 N. Woodlawn, which is just south of Brittany Center at the corner of 21st and Woodlawn.

Duncan is adding to the building for a total of 13,000 square feet.

So how does he know this might be the third-largest?

“I’ve been doing it 30 years,” he says.

Duncan says he’s quite familiar with the business nationwide.

His first two SpringClean sites, at 416 N. Ridge and 1224 S. Webb, are about 9,000 square feet each.

Duncan says he’s inspired by cinema entrepreneur Bill Warren ofWarren Theatres.

“He kind of set the example, and I watched him,” Duncan says of having large, pleasant facilities.

“People will pay more and appreciate it if you build a really nice laundry.”

He offers free WiFi – two kinds in case one breaks down – large aisles and a playground.

Scott Salome of Grubb & Ellis/Martens Commercial Group and Ted Branson of Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

Duncan already is thinking of other possible future sites, which he says take two or three years to develop from the time he picks an area and studies it. Northwest Wichita could be where he eyes next.

The newest SpringClean will open this summer, Duncan says, “If I get my way about it.”


Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/02/01/springclean-laundry-owner-to-open-what-he-thinks-will-be-the-third-largest-laundromat-in-the-country/#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy



Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/02/01/springclean-laundry-owner-to-