Home press-release Landmark was recognized as one of the best places to work in Wichita!

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Landmark was recognized as one of the best places to work in Wichita!

Thirty companies were honored this week at the Wichita Business Journal’s 2015 Best Places to Work Awards, sponsored by Meritrust.

The companies were finalists because they scored highest on employee engagement surveys taken by their staffs.

Click on this link to see pictures from the event: http://www.bizjournals.com/wichita/morning_call/2015/12/2015-best-places-to-work-awards-in-pictures.html?ana=e_wich_rdup&s=newsletter&ed=2015-12-03&u=SgADm8S%2F%2F2Mz%2BQUtSm%2FRdw05db5db9&t=1449171244